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Philips Respironics Dreamwear Full Face Mask


The DreamWear Full Face CPAP Mask features new and exciting improvements. The under-the-nose cushion provides the same great seal and stability as traditional full face masks but eliminates red marks or discomfort on the bridge of your nose. The soft silicone frame and top-of-head tubing connection makes the DreamWear Full Face Mask one of the most comfortable masks on the market today. Have you tried this mask before? We recommend you try this mask before or come in for a fitting, or there is a 30-day mask guarantee.

SKU: 1133377 Categories: , ,


  • Small
  • Medium
  • Medium-Wide
  • Large


  • The under the nose innovative design of the cushion means no more red marks, discomfort, and irritation on the nose bridge.
  • Open Design: Open design makes it easy to wear glasses, read, watch TV, and use a computer or tablet before falling asleep. Therefore offers a wide field of vision compared to traditional full face mask designs.
  • Soft, Flexible Frame: The soft, flexible frame is comfortable to wear at night. Allowing you greater freedom while asleep.

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Specification Sheet
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